Is the first session complimentary?

There are no complimentary services. Clients have to pay from the very first session. 

If you have any other questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact our office or check other sections of our website. Your well-being is our priority.

My office hours are by appointment only. Please call my office phone no. (416-438-3800) or click here to make an appointment or for more information. When I am not available, please leave a message on the voice message system. I am usually able to return calls by the next working day.

Are psychological services covered under OHIP?

Although OHIP does not cover the cost of psychological services, most private insurance plans cover services provided by psychologists. Please check with your employer to determine how much coverage your insurance plan provides. Persons with a family member (spouse or parent) who is working may be eligible for coverage through the family member’s benefit plan. Although I have established a standard fee, I also operate on a sliding fee scale. When a new client does not possess the means to pay the standard fee, I am open to arranging a lower fee in collaboration with the client.

How can I pay for the services?

The clients usually pay before the session starts, and we issue them a receipt that they can submit to their insurance for reimbursement. We accept cash, cards, and e-transfers (prior to the sessions).

However, the credit card on file is recommended to avoid no compensation for missed/no-show appointments. We use Jane/Stripe online payment processing to securely store your credit card information.